Tuesday 19 March 2013

Brainstorming in a group

The aim of our first week was to work in selected groups to explore a category that was given to us at random. The outcome of the group task was to create a presentation based on our findings, providing inspiration for each individual to branch off into their own unique project.

Our theme was evolution. Initially the group collaborated to create a mind map of ideas on the subject. From the very beginning we all seemed to be in sync with our way of thinking. We began our research together at Manchester University Museum which has excellent primary resources for all the aspects within evolution. We made sure everyone had something they were happy to explore for a few days before returning with a variety of visual research to put to the rest of the group. The research was very diverse covering areas such as cells, fossils, animal adaptation and cosmology.  As a whole we appreciated that everyone has a different way of working and by naturally expressing that in everyones individual input, we found that it gave a diverse quality to the final presentation with cross over ideas linking it together. Personally I enjoy working in a group providing there is a good group dynamic. Five brains are better than one and being able to bounce ideas off each other is a really useful exercise in the early stages of a project. Working with people who are enthusastic to work to the same goal is motivating and I feel like I am a lot more focused within the brief at this point because of this.

Tuesday 12 March 2013

Introducing Unit X

Having experienced Unit X before I had an idea of how the project would run. With collaboration being a key term I was excited to work with people from different creative areas. I was drawn towards College two as it was working towards a client brief and allowed us to communicate with professionals within the textile industry. I have been looking to push forward my skills in digital print and surface design so this brief seemed the right one for me.